Do I need a referral from a Doctor to see a physiotherapist?
No – you can just make an appointment on your own. However there are times that you may benefit from having a referral. Some insurance schemes require a referral before they will pay for your sessions, and to claim your physiotherapy against tax. If you have X-ray or MRI results that are relevant to your condition, bring them along – more information is always useful.
Are we CORU registered?
Yes. The CORU registration number of each of the staff can be found on their about page.
I’m not sure whether I need to see a doctor or physiotherapist?
This is not necessarily an either/or situation. Sometimes is is better to see both your doctor and a physio. If you have pain that is definitely mechanical type pain – that is it is related to a specific injury, and changes with movement and position – then you don’t need to see a doctor. However if it is severe pain, the pain can be strongly affecting your movement. This is when the pain medications that your doctor can give you can help your recovery process. In that case it is useful to see your GP as well as a physio.
If you are getting pain that does not change with activity or position, chest pain, severe night pain or tingling in both legs or arms then you should probably talk to your doctor first. There are also things that your physio might find that would have them send you to your doctor as well. These are extremely rare.
If you are really uncertain it is generally better to see your GP, and make an appointment to see the physio after seeing your GP.
Will I be treated in the first session?
Almost definitely. Most of the first session is taken up by determining what we need to do, but we always reserve some time to do something that will start getting you better. Only if we find that your problem needs to be seen by a doctor would we not do any treatment in the first session.
How Many Treatments will I need
That is a “How long is a piece of string” question. Every individual is different. This will depend on how severe your injury is, what type of injury it is, how long it’s been injured, your age, fitness level, occupation, genetics, and how much effort you put in between sessions, as well as many other factors. We can usually offer a guesstimate after the first session based on our experience in the past, and will discuss this with you as part of planning your rehab.
Rehab though is a process, not an event. “Miracle” one session cures are the exception, and more commonly it takes multiple sessions over weeks to months to work your body back to where it needs to be.
Do you treat children.
Yes for Orthopaedic problems – Sprains, strains, after fractures or other sports injuries, or foot problems. We don’t do developmental or neurological treatment for children as we don’t have the space or specialised equipment. For children under 16 we would require a parent at all times. Over 16 we would need a parent or guardian to attend for the initial session and provide a signed consent to treat, and we would prefer that the parent attend subsequent sessions (but it is not required).
Does my private health insurance
All Chartered Physiotherapists are covered by the insurance companies. Refer to your plan for specific details as it does differ dramatically between the companies and plan levels. You can also get tax relief on physiotherapy expenses that aren’t covered by your insurance (Form Med 1).
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